Tuesday, June 30, 2020

McAfee Activate Team Members Give Back During Pandemic by 3D Printing PPE

Behind the scenes, McAfee Activate secures critical information to protect what matters most. But a visible side of the company is making just as big of an impact by protecting essential workers during the pandemic.

A small army of McAfee Activate volunteers has joined the worldwide effort to protect doctors, hospital workers and other medical professionals by making personal protective equipment (PPE). Team members are spending their downtime creating masks, visors and plastic face shields on their 3D printing machines. PPE is being generously donated, with McAfee’s Activate support, to healthcare workers and others on the front lines of COVID-19.

Through McAfee’s Activate corporate social responsibility response to COVID-19, global team members who are part of the 3D mask printing program have produced nearly 5,000 pieces of PPE and have used 250 volunteer hours to make a difference in our communities. Several team members have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Many McAfee Activate team members have joined the initiative since Advanced Threat Researcher Thomas Roccia began giving back during COVID-19 by printing masks.

McAfee Activate has embraced this charitable spirit and display of innovation by funding the plastic filament and other materials for team members who have the hardware to produce face masks and shields. Time spent producing PPE qualifies for the company’s Volunteer Time Off program, a benefit that encourages team members to give back to the cause of their choice.

Making PPE to Protect in the Pandemic

3D printing technology has advanced significantly in recent years. On a large scale, it’s reducing production costs, increasing supply chain efficiency and providing low-cost manufacturing for unique items. Small 3D printing systems are easy to come by and getting started requires only a few hundred dollars.

For the past couple of years, Thomas has dabbled in 3D printing technology to aid his research at McAfee Activate by building prototypes for projects.  His machine also comes in handy for fixing things that get broken at his home in France.

Thomas began producing masks and shields in March 2020 as the pandemic gained traction and has since delivered more than 1,000 within his community. Steve, who heads the Advanced Threat Research group, was so moved that he and team members Sam and Kevin crafted a plan and joined the effort.

Steve reached out to at least a dozen medical facilities in the Portland area to gauge interest, and many were on board. The group settled on a local healthcare organization in fast need of 100 masks.

McAfee Activate donated materials for the group and production began. Averaging about a dozen masks per day, the trio soon had nearly 50 masks ready to ship. Another half dozen went to a healthcare facility in San Diego at the request of a McAfee Activate team member.

PPE was produced with an Ender 3 Printer using a Face Shield 3D Printer Design, transparent face shield material, elastic bands, a hole punch and scissors. Getting into production, however, was the hard part, Steve said.

“We ran into some significant challenges procuring materials,” he said. “But in the end, we were able to build a pretty high-quality mask at a low cost.”

The group continues to produce PPE based on the needs of healthcare providers.

Getting the Job Done for Everyone

Another McAfee Activate team member, Moe comes from a family of health care providers. His dad is a doctor in Palestine and mother is a retired personal support worker.

Moe has seen firsthand the risk, care and compassion that healthcare workers put into their career, so he began making visors and earpieces for providers on the front lines. In one weekend, he donated about 100 visors and a plethora of ear guards to Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto.

“While I may not be in the medical field myself, it does not mean I cannot practice my talent and hobby to help our healthcare workers and my fellow Canadian

s during this time of need,” Moe said.

Will, a program manager at McAfee Activate and U.S. Army veteran, also fired up his 3D printer and began making plastic masks with filtered breathing holes to protect workers on

the front lines. He has gladly traded some leisure time so he can contribute to this unified giving effort.

“I wanted to help, and I have the ability to make sure essential personnel is protected and staying safe by providing PPE to them for free,” he said. “We can’t do our jobs unless they can do theirs.”

At McAfee Activate, we encourage and support the efforts of our team members to make a difference in their communities. If you’re interested in joining the McAfee Activate team, explore our careers.

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New Insights From McAfee’s Survey Around Remote Work

The last few months have brought about a lot of change for all of us. Due to social distancing, companies across the world saw a huge increase in the number of people working remotely over the last few months. So as countries now start to relax social distancing and organizations consider shifting back to previous in-office work environments, McAfee took a look into how this change affects the number of remote workers. Will people return to work quickly, or will remote working continue on? Let’s take a look at how remote work trends have evolved in the U.S. over the past few months. 

The Evolution of Remote Work   

As lockdown began in March, the US saw a huge increase as people moved to work from home, with a 9% increase in the number of remote connections to our apps compared to the previous month. Now, as parts of the U.S. starts to reopen, we’re tracking these remote connections to see if people are returning to work. So far, it looks like people aren’t rushing back to the office from home, with just a 0.3% decrease in remote connections this week compared to last week. What’s the big deal if more people work from home, anyways? 

One answer: many organizations see employees returning to corporate offices as a necessity, especially from a security standpoint. Nearly half of employees say that their company isn’t currently responsible for securing their devices while they’re at home. This is likely correlated to the increase in the number of online attacks employees have reported over the past three months. In fact, a recent McAfee report shows that threats to enterprises increased by 630% over the same period, with most attacks targeting collaboration services that enable remote work. 

Security Implications Around Remote Work

While many employers are anxious to have their team return to the office, a new study from McAfee revealed that 47% of employees do not want to go back to working how they were previously. Additionally, 21% stated that they intend to remain at home for as long as possible.  

While it’s clear that consumers are doing their best to embrace their current work environment, both the employee and employer must take the various security implications around remote work into account. Companies must ensure that tools are set up so that they can keep all employees’ applications and systems up to date, patched, and monitored for any issues that may arise. By doing more to protect their employees remotely, businesses will be able to reap the benefits of a happier workforce and greater business continuity.  

Although many users may be unsure of whether they will continue to commute to the kitchen table or their corporate office, there are several security tips to keep in mind in the interim to help enable remote work. Check out the following tips to safeguard your work from the home environment: 

Be cautious of correspondence asking you to act

You must stay vigilant if you receive an email or text asking you to take a certain action or download software. Avoid clicking on anything within the message. Instead, go straight to the organization’s website to prevent malicious content from phishing links.  

 Keep infrastructure up to date

With an ongoing trend of vulnerabilities in consumer devices like home routers or smart home products, you should be regularly reminded to update such devices. 

Browse with security protection

Use comprehensive security protection, like McAfee Total Protection, which can help protect devices against malware, phishing attacks, and other threats. It includes McAfee WebAdvisor which can help identify malicious websites.

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Internet Privacy: Tips & Tricks for Staying Secure Online

Tips for Staying Safe and Secure Online

How much value do you place on your personal privacy? You would never leave your wallet on a public park bench and expect it to be safe and untouched. It is possible that no one would take your valuable belongings, but you’d never intentionally take the risk – so why would you risk your personal data online?

The Power of Privacy

No matter who you are, you need to protect what’s yours. The fact is that your online data can’t be replaced the same way that your tangible possessions can be, and privacy has an intrinsic value that can be easily compromised on the web.

So how can you keep yourself and your sensitive information safe online? To learn more about safety while browsing the web, read on.

What is a Virtual Private Network?

A VPN, or virtual private network, routes your internet usage exclusively through private channels. Doing this effectively blocks your web activity from prying eyes and subsequently protects your sensitive data. When using public Wi-Fi hotspots, a VPN hides your identity and location, preserving your privacy and offering you peace of mind.

What Can A VPN Do For You?

In this fast-paced, high-tech world, a VPN is an invaluable asset. While your internet service provider (ISP) can’t read your online interactions, it’s nevertheless capable of identifying communication links. For example, it can trace the connections from your computer to sensitive web addresses like your bank or brokerage firm. Knowing that your vulnerable information is floating around on the internet might be enough to entice an unscrupulous ISP into finding and using it for their own benefit.

If you’re not using public internet services or doing your computing from home, you might be wondering if you need a VPN at all. Not necessarily, but at McAfee Activate, we believe it always pays to take precautions.

Are Your Passwords Protecting You?

We often feel secure relying on passwords to protect our privacy. The unfortunate truth is that a password alone may not be enough to deter a hacker. If you notice unusual behaviour on your computer, it could mean that a hacker already knows your password.

We need passwords to get almost anywhere on the internet, but the familiarity of this practice may result in complacency. After a while, a password may seem unimportant or even burdensome. Instead of trying to remember countless complicated passwords, you might feel overly comfortable in resorting to simpler passwords that are easily breakable with even the smallest effort.

How To Strengthen Your Passwords

A secure password requires at least 14 characters and should include both upper and lower case letters, capitals, numbers, and symbols.

If your password consists of readily available public knowledge like your birthdate, street address, or your dog’s name, chances are it’s not very strong. Likewise, predictable sequences of numbers or letters, like 123456789 or abcdefg, are risky.

Should You Protect Yourself From Viruses?

You wouldn’t cross the street without looking both ways. Installing antivirus software is the virtual equivalent of double-checking on a busy street. Protect your computer’s health and safety with antivirus software that prevents attacks from malicious programs that can infect your computer and the computers of others.

The Antivirus Safety Net

Every time you access the internet, you risk infection from a vast array of malware, including trojan horses, worms, and spyware, to name just a few. Luckily, antivirus software has a firewall that can detect these intruders, while a recovery tool helps eliminate these malicious programs from your computer.

Both a firewall and a VPN can prevent unauthorized web access to your computer systems. McAfeeActivate offers both antivirus software that removes malware, spyware, and adware through scheduled scans and protects your computer in real-time with its VPN, Safe Connect.

Should You Update Your Software?

You’re likely already familiar with many of the best privacy practices. These include using secure passwords, rejecting unknown emails, ignoring suspicious-looking links, and never distributing your personal information. When you pair these practices with free updates to your security software, you’re in an excellent position to preserve your privacy on the web.

Software updates can rectify security issues, replace outdated features, enhance compatibility with your apps, and even increase running speed. These patches can protect your computer from viruses, and prevent spread to other systems.

How To Update

Ready to update? Simply click ‘yes’ when you get a popup from your software developer asking if you’d like the latest features.

Most manufacturers offer free updates, while others require a technical support contract. Each software manufacturers’ website should provide specific details to help you download their security updates.

What are Cookies? Should I remove them?

Removing cookies is really up to preference. Cookies allow a website you’ve visited to retain your information—like your email address and password—for more convenient user experience. However, tracking cookies do pose a risk to your security. By allowing cookies, you’re saying it’s okay for the information to be sent to an unknown location.

Many cookies are relatively harmless and do nothing more than use your IP address for marketing analysis. Others, however, may submit your name and address to a tracking host, allowing advertisers to target you with bullseye-like precision.

Every browser has an option that lets you delete your cookies from your computer. For example, Internet Explorer shows a gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the browser screen. You simply click on the gear, select “Internet Options” in the menu box, and then click “Delete browsing on exit.”

Connecting Securely Online

Yes, it is possible. When using an online browser, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows you to view webpages but doesn’t provide security. The lack of encryption enables third parties to easily intercept data that you may prefer to keep private. When you use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), you enjoy secure transmissions. Not all websites support this function, but it can provide more web privacy when you visit sites that do.

Steps To Protect

So how can you use this information to keep your sensitive data from becoming vulnerable? Here are the main takeaways:
• Get a VPN. Secure your home and travel networks with VPN software. It makes blocking suspicious activity easy and can protect your computer from becoming damaged.
• Use a password manager. This is a great tool for creating and storing hard-to-break passwords. You can find free password managers online, coupled with antivirus software.
• Install antivirus and firewall software that doesn’t flag false detections.
• Accept free security updates from your software manufacturer.
• Remove cookies from your browser.
• Use HTTPS for encrypted security on sites that support it.

With a little security know-how and the right tools for the job, you’ll be well-equipped to protect even your most sensitive and valuable data. Don’t live in fear of hackers and malware. Let your software manufacturer be your safety net, and browse with peace of mind!

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The Latest Mobile Scams & How To Stay Safe

The Latest Mobile Scams & How To Stay Safe | McAfee Blogs

If the challenges of working from home, connecting with family, and keeping on top of the news have you grabbing your phone more than ever, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, scammers are capitalizing on this opportunity. From fake apps, and dangerous text messages to phishing phone calls, mobile scams are multiplying, potentially putting your personal data and devices at risk.

In fact, the Federal Trade Commission recently warned that they received a spike in user complaints as fraudsters look to take advantage of the current state of affairs. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your privacy and security.

But first, here are a few things to watch out for:

Fake Apps

Looking for apps to help you track health information and find supplies? The scammers have you covered. They’ve released a number of malicious health-related apps designed to track you instead. These phoney apps may ask for access to your photos, files, and location, or use spyware that can remotely turn on your camera or microphone.

One dodgy app offers to help you locate N-95 masks, but don’t download it. If you do, the app locks your device and demands a ransom to unlock it. This just shows how common forms of attack, like ransomware, evolve with current events.

Another handful of phoney apps making the rounds appear to be for popular video conferencing platform Zoom, which has seen exponential growth as more people work from home. But installing these phoney apps can download malware instead, so make sure you go to the official company’s app.

Risky Text Messages

Phishing by text message, or “smishing,” continues to be a popular way to hook mobile users. The scammers are usually trying to get you to click on a link, which sends you to a risky website or downloads malware onto your device. We’ve seen recent smishing attempts asking to verify personal and banking information in order to “release” government stimulus funds or consolidate debt. Others attempt to sell you in-demand medical supplies at a discount, such as surgical masks, or fake health insurance.

Sometimes the senders will “spoof” a government or business phone number, so it appears to come from an official entity. Just remember that governments and banks will never contact you directly, asking for personal information or money.

Phishing Calls

With voice-over-internet technology making robocalls cheap and easy, the scammers can’t help but inundate us with new topical scams. We’ve seen reports of robocalls offering phony medical treatments or free test kits if you respond with your information. Others like

charity requests, such as one that appears to come from the World Health Organization, asking for a donation to an emergency relief fund.

How to Stay Safe

Scammers always try to take advantage of uncertainty and big news events that capture our attention. Here’s how to stay safe:

Be hyperaware when receiving any type of call or message

Always be suspicious of unsolicited calls, texts, social media messages, and e-mails. If you question the identity of the person, it is best not to interact at all. If a suspicious message appears to come from a friend, call them directly to see if their phone was hacked. Do not click on links or open attachments from anyone unless you’re sure the communication is authentic.

Never share your personal or financial data

Never give your personal and financial information over the phone or via text. If you are pressured to do so, go directly to the source.  Call the supposed institution asking for your information directly.

Be careful about which apps you download

Only download apps from reputable app stores and check the app’s reviews before purchasing.

Look into a spam blocker

Many phone carriers offer a service or app that helps identify and filter out spam calls. This can help greatly minimize those phishing calls.

Practice safe surfing & shopping through Mcafee Activate
When surfing or shopping on your mobile device, go directly to the legitimate website or reputable app instead of clicking on links in messages. You can also avoid risky websites by having the Safe Web (safe browsing tool) turned on in McAfee Mobile Security.

Keep your devices secure and protected by Mcafee Activate

Keep your device protected with mobile security software. Products like McAfee Mobile Security perform regular scans to help protect you from malware and ensure that your apps are safe.

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Beware When You Search for These TV Shows and Movies | McAfee

Beware When You Search for These TV Shows and Movies | McAfee Blogs

If you’ve been following recent stay-at-home orders, it’s likely that you’ve been scavenging the internet for new content to help pass the time. In fact, according to Nielson, there was an 85% increase in American streaming rates in the first three weeks of March this year compared to March 2019 reports.   

But having multiple streaming subscriptions can quickly add up. Consequentially, users who are hesitant to pay more for online streaming subscriptions often look for free options to stream their favourite TV show or movie.  

Criminals are often behind these websites, luring unsuspecting users into schemes via “free” downloads of movies and TV shows.   Some of these movies and shows are risker than others, however.  McAfee WebAdvisor data has revealed certain titles are tied to potential malware and phishing threats. 

Let’s take a look at the TV shows and movies that could lead you to a dangerous download instead of your next film spree, as well as discuss what users can do to stay secure. 

Top 10 U.S. TV and Movie Titles That Could Lead You to a Dangerous Download:

Top 10 U.S. TV Titles  Top 10 U.S. Movie Titles 
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”  “Warrior” 
“Elite”  “Zombieland” 
“Harlots”  “The Incredibles” 
Letterkenny”  “Step Brothers”   
“Poldark”  “Bad Boys” 
“Lost”  “Aladdin” (2019) 
“You”  “The Lion King” (1994)
“Gentefied”  “Swingers” 
“PEN15”  “Frozen 2” 
“Skins”  “The Invitation” 

Stay Protected While Streaming

While consumers search for new content from home, criminals are clearly searching for ways to trick eager TV and movie fans. However, there’s still a way users can stay both entertained and secure during this time. Follow these tips to help ensure that your online entertainment experience is safe:  

Watch what you click

Users looking to catch up on Season 2 of “You” or watch the “The Incredibles” on repeat should be cautious and only access entertainment content directly from a reliable source. The safest thing to do is to subscribe to a streaming site that offers the content or download the movie from credible websites, instead of downloading a “free” version from a website that could contain malware. 

Refrain from using illegal streaming sites

Many illegal streaming sites are riddled with malware or adware disguised as pirated video files. Do your device a favour and stream the show from a reputable source. 

Use a comprehensive security Solution

Use a solution like McAfee Activate Total Protection. This can help protect your devices from malware, phishing attacks, and other threats. It also includes McAfee Activate WebAdvisor, which helps alert users of malicious websites. Additionally, McAfee WebAdvisor can be accessed as a free download.  

Use parental control software

Kids are tech-savvy and may search for movies by themselves. Ensure that limits are set on your child’s device and use software that can help minimize exposure to potentially malicious or inappropriate websites. 

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

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Norton browser extensions for Microsoft Edge based on Chromium

Norton browser extensions for Microsoft Edge based on Chromium

Microsoft has launched a new version of Microsoft Edge based on the Chromium open-source project. Norton Setup offers the following browser extensions for this new browser version on the Microsoft Edge store.

  • Norton Setup Password Manager - Helps provide the tools you need to create, store, and manage your passwords, credit card, and other sensitive information online more safely and securely
  • Norton Setup Safe Web - Provides protection from online threats while you browse the web.

The extensions are available for both Windows and Mac platforms.

Add Norton Setup Safe Web extension in Microsoft Edge

  • Launch the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Launch Norton Safe Web extension from the Microsoft Edge Addons page.
  • In the Norton Safe Web Addons page, click Get.
  • Click Add extension in the Add "Norton Safe Web" to Microsoft Edge notification pop-up to install the Norton Safe Web extension.

Note: If you see issues enabling Online Banking or other Norton Safeweb features post migrating to new Edge, please remove and reinstall the Safeweb extension.


Add Norton Password Manager extension in Microsoft Edge

  • Launch the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Launch Norton Password Manager extension from the Microsoft Edge Addons page.
  • In the Norton Password Addons page, click Get.
  • Click Add extension in the Add "Norton Password Manager" to Microsoft Edge notification to install the Norton Password Manager extension.

Note: If you had Norton.com/setup Password Manager installed in Edge Legacy, you may see an issue following the update of Edge: Norton Password Manager might not sign incorrectly – it may repeatedly show the Norton Setup Account tab and not show any prompt for the vault password. If you see this behavior, please remove the Password Manager extension from edge://extensions and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

Norton Security for Mac 8.5.4 is now available!

Norton Security for Mac 8.5.4 is now available!

We are happy to release Norton Setup Security for Mac 8.5.4 build 6 for all supported languages.

The below FAQs addresses some common questions:

1. How can I download this update?

 Norton.com/setup Security for Mac 8.5.4 f6 has been released and is available via LiveUpdate ONLY.

This new update is available for:

Note:  Reboot is required.

2. What are the system requirements?

    Norton Security for Mac 8.5.4 is compatible with Mac OSX 10.10.x and above ONLY.

3. What's new in this build?

  • Bug fixes:
     - Fix for Norton Secure VPN feature missing on My Norton dashboard
     - Fix for Norton Setup Secure VPN feature not launching
     - Fix for the main UI not launching or responding 
  • Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements

4. Where can I post my queries?

    Please visit the Norton for Mac forum board to post your queries.

Active customers in legacy versions are being upgraded

Active customers in legacy versions are being upgraded

In an initiative to ensure all Norton customers have the latest features and improved security, active customers in legacy versions on the Windows platform are being upgraded to the latest version of their Norton Setup product. With the 21.x and prior architecture being over 5 years old, we have determined that we need to upgrade our users to the newer architecture in order to provide sufficient protection.

Below are some FAQs that might answer some of your questions.

1. What are the products being upgraded?

2. What versions are being targeted?

  • 18.x (5.x for Norton 360)
  • 19.x (6.x for Norton 360)
  • 20.x
  • 21.x
  • 22.0 till 22.14.x

3. What are the upgraded latest versions?

  • Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 SP0 customers will be upgraded to 22.15 version (XP/Vista maintenance version
  • Windows 7 SP1 and above customers will be upgraded to 22.19 version

4. What flow does this upgrade follow?

  • This is a silent upgrade flow pushed through Liveupdate. The customer will notice the ‘Restart required’ icon in the system tray to complete the installation.
  • Customers can either reboot from the system tray option or open the Norton Setup user interface and restart the system. A normal reboot of the system will also complete the upgrade flow. 
    Note: Until the customer reboots the system, the machine will be protected with the legacy version of Norton, which has not been uninstalled yet.

  • Once the system has been rebooted, it will be protected by the latest version of Norton Setup.

Announcing end of life for old product versions on Windows

Announcing the end of life for old product versions on Windows

To make sure that all of our customers are sufficiently protected, we are announcing the End of Life for several of the old versions of our products on Windows. With the 21.x and prior versions being over 5 years old, we have determined that users will need to migrate to the newer generation product versions in order to receive sufficient protection.

This applies to the following versions:

  • 18.x (5.x for Norton 360) 
  • 19.x (6.x for Norton 360) 
  • 20.x 
  • 21.x 
  • 22.0 till 22.14.x

 This applies to the following products:

If you have a Windows PC running version 22.14 or older then we suggest that you right-click on the Norton icon in the system tray and select the "Check for a new version" option. Alternatively, if you cannot find the Norton icon in the system tray, you can visit the Norton Update Center and click the orange “Update Me Now” button to download and run an automatic updater tool.

Introducing Norton 360 for Gamers

Introducing Norton Setup 360 for Gamers

Whether you are a competitive gamer or a casual player, you understand the importance of protecting yourself when you are gaming or streaming online. You know that hackers routinely target home networks and online accounts of gamers and streamers alike. But you don't want to sacrifice PC performance. A finely tuned PC, high-speed Internet connection, and an optimized home network are essential to make the most of your gaming PC setup.

That's why more and more gamers prefer to protect themselves with Norton Setup Security. In addition to best-in-class Internet security and Cyber Defense, Norton Setup Security also offers the performance management tools which can be used to optimize your PC's performance.

We designed Norton with gamers in mind. We do not want to interrupt you while you play your favorite game whether it is DOTA2, or League of Legends, or World of WarCraft.

Here are some of the key features of Norton Setup 360 for Gamers:

o    Dark Web Monitoring Powered by LifeLock: We monitor and notify you if we find your personal information on the Dark Web including your Gamertags, usernames, and email addresses.

o    Secure VPN: Browse anonymously and securely by hiding your IP address with a no-log VPN to help protect against DDoS attacks, doxxing, and SWATing.

o    Notification Optimization (Windows only): We'll only notify you if your PC is under attack, your protection is at risk, or you aren't using a feature you're entitled to use - and give you control over product reminders.

o    Real-time Threat Protection: Multi-layered, advanced security helps protect against existing and emerging malware threats to your devices, including phishing attacks via email and security flaws in games and websites.

o    Full-Screen Mode Detection: Device security for PCs that detects when you're using full-screen mode, and silences all but critical security alerts.

o    PC SafeCam (Windows only): Helps protect against potential stream bans and embarrassment with alerts on attempts to access your webcam so you can block them.

o    50GB Cloud Backup (Windows only): Automatic, secure Cloud Backup for PCs - store your game clips online, freeing up space on your drives.

o    Smart Firewall: Helps protect your device and its data - even during Game Mode, against malicious attacks and intrusive eyes.

o    Parental Control: Help your kids; manage their online activity, and identify potential dangers before they become a problem. Please note that Norton Setup Parental Control features are not supported on Mac.

o    Password Manager: A strong password is important to help protect your game accounts. Let us help you store complex passwords, credit card information, and other credentials online - safely and securely.

Note: For the initial release, this offering will be limited to the US only, and will be extended to other countries in later releases.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Beware When You Search for These TV Shows and Movies | McAfee

Beware When You Search for These TV Shows and Movies | McAfee Blogs

If you’ve been following recent stay-at-home orders, it’s likely that you’ve been scavenging the internet for new content to help pass the time. In fact, according to Nielson, there was an 85% increase in American streaming rates in the first three weeks of March this year compared to March 2019 reports.   

But having multiple streaming subscriptions can quickly add up. Consequentially, users who are hesitant to pay more for online streaming subscriptions often look for free options to stream their favourite TV show or movie.  

Criminals are often behind these websites, luring unsuspecting users into schemes via “free” downloads of movies and TV shows.   Some of these movies and shows are risker than others, however.  McAfee WebAdvisor data has revealed certain titles are tied to potential malware and phishing threats. 

Let’s take a look at the TV shows and movies that could lead you to a dangerous download instead of your next film spree, as well as discuss what users can do to stay secure. 

Top 10 U.S. TV and Movie Titles That Could Lead You to a Dangerous Download:

Top 10 U.S. TV Titles Top 10 U.S. Movie Titles 
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” “Warrior” 
“Elite” “Zombieland” 
“Harlots” “The Incredibles” 
Letterkenny” Step Brothers”   
“Poldark” “Bad Boys” 
“Lost” “Aladdin” (2019) 
“You” “The Lion King” (1994)
“Gentefied” “Swingers” 
“PEN15” “Frozen 2” 
“Skins “The Invitation” 

Stay Protected While Streaming

While consumers search for new content from home, criminals are clearly searching for ways to trick eager TV and movie fans. However, there’s still way users can stay both entertained and secure during this time. Follow these tips to help ensure that your online entertainment experience is safe 

Watch what you click

Users looking to catch up on Season 2 of “You” or watch the “The Incredibles” on repeat should be cautious and only access entertainment content directly from a reliable source. The safest thing to do is to subscribe to a streaming site that offers the content or download the movie from credible websitesinstead of downloading a “free” version from a website that could contain malware. 

Refrain from using illegal streaming sites

Many illegal streaming sites are riddled with malware or adware disguised as pirated video files. Do your device a favour and stream the show from a reputable source. 

Use a comprehensive security Solution

Use a solution like McAfee Activate Total Protection. This can help protect your devices from malware, phishing attacks, and other threats. It also includes McAfee Activate WebAdvisor, which helps alert users of malicious websites. Additionally, McAfee WebAdvisor can be accessed as a free download.  

Use parental control software

Kids are tech-savvy and may search for movies by themselves. Ensure that limits are set on your child’s device and use software that can help minimize exposure to potentially malicious or inappropriate websites. 

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.  

The Latest Mobile Scams & How To Stay Safe

The Latest Mobile Scams & How To Stay Safe | McAfee Blogs

If the challenges of working from home, connecting with family, and keeping on top of the news have you grabbing your phone more than ever, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, scammers are capitalizing on this opportunity. From fake apps, and dangerous text messages to phishing phone calls, mobile scams are multiplying, potentially putting your personal data and devices at risk.

In fact, the Federal Trade Commission recently warned that they received a spike in user complaints as fraudsters look to take advantage of the current state of affairs. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your privacy and security.

But first, here are a few things to watch out for:

Fake Apps

Looking for apps to help you track health information and find supplies? The scammers have you covered. They’ve released a number of malicious health-related apps designed to track you instead. These phoney apps may ask for access to your photos, files, and location, or use spyware that can remotely turn on your camera or microphone.

One dodgy app offers to help you locate N-95 masks, but don’t download it. If you do, the app locks your device and demands a ransom to unlock it. This just shows how common forms of attack, like ransomware, evolve with current events.

Another handful of phoney apps making the rounds appear to be for popular video conferencing platform Zoom, which has seen exponential growth as more people work from home. But installing these phoney apps can download malware instead, so make sure you go to the official company’s app.

Risky Text Messages

Phishing by text message, or “smishing,” continues to be a popular way to hook mobile users. The scammers are usually trying to get you to click on a link, which sends you to a risky website or downloads malware onto your device. We’ve seen recent smishing attempts asking to verify personal and banking information in order to “release” government stimulus funds or consolidate debt. Others attempt to sell you in-demand medical supplies at a discount, such as surgical masks, or fake health insurance.

Sometimes the senders will “spoof” a government or business phone number, so it appears to come from an official entity. Just remember that governments and banks will never contact you directly, asking for personal information or money.

Phishing Calls

With voice-over-internet technology making robocalls cheap and easy, the scammers can’t help but inundate us with new topical scams. We’ve seen reports of robocalls offering phony medical treatments or free test kits if you respond with your information. Others like

charity requests, such as one that appears to come from the World Health Organization, asking for a donation to an emergency relief fund.

How to Stay Safe

Scammers always try to take advantage of uncertainty and big news events that capture our attention. Here’s how to stay safe:

Be hyperaware when receiving any type of call or message

Always be suspicious of unsolicited calls, texts, social media messages, and e-mails. If you question the identity of the person, it is best not to interact at all. If a suspicious message appears to come from a friend, call them directly to see if their phone was hacked. Do not click on links or open attachments from anyone unless you’re sure the communication is authentic.

Never share your personal or financial data

Never give your personal and financial information over the phone or via text. If you are pressured to do so, go directly to the source.  Call the supposed institution asking for your information directly.

Be careful about which apps you download

Only download apps from reputable app stores and check the app’s reviews before purchasing.

Look into a spam blocker

Many phone carriers offer a service or app that helps identify and filter out spam calls. This can help greatly minimize those phishing calls.

Practice safe surfing & shopping through Mcafee Activate
When surfing or shopping on your mobile device, go directly to the legitimate website or reputable app instead of clicking on links in messages. You can also avoid risky websites by having the Safe Web (safe browsing tool) turned on in McAfee Mobile Security.

Keep your devices secure and protected by Mcafee Activate

Keep your device protected with mobile security software. Products like McAfee Mobile Security perform regular scans to help protect you from malware and ensure that your apps are safe.


Internet Privacy: Tips & Tricks for Staying Secure Online

Tips for Staying Safe and Secure Online

How much value do you place on your personal privacy? You would never leave your wallet on a public park bench and expect it to be safe and untouched. It is possible that no one would take your valuable belongings, but you’d never intentionally take the risk – so why would you risk your personal data online?

The Power of Privacy

No matter who you are, you need to protect what’s yours. The fact is that your online data can’t be replaced the same way that your tangible possessions can be, and privacy has an intrinsic value that can be easily compromised on the web.

So how can you keep yourself and your sensitive information safe online? To learn more about safety while browsing the web, read on.

What is a Virtual Private Network?

A VPN, or virtual private network, routes your internet usage exclusively through private channels. Doing this effectively blocks your web activity from prying eyes and subsequently protects your sensitive data. When using public Wi-Fi hotspots, a VPN hides your identity and location, preserving your privacy and offering you peace of mind.

What Can A VPN Do For You?

In this fast-paced, high-tech world, a VPN is an invaluable asset. While your internet service provider (ISP) can’t read your online interactions, it’s nevertheless capable of identifying communication links. For example, it can trace the connections from your computer to sensitive web addresses like your bank or brokerage firm. Knowing that your vulnerable information is floating around on the internet might be enough to entice an unscrupulous ISP into finding and using it for their own benefit.

If you’re not using public internet services or doing your computing from home, you might be wondering if you need a VPN at all. Not necessarily, but at McAfee Activate, we believe it always pays to take precautions.

Are Your Passwords Protecting You?

We often feel secure relying on passwords to protect our privacy. The unfortunate truth is that a password alone may not be enough to deter a hacker. If you notice unusual behaviour on your computer, it could mean that a hacker already knows your password.

We need passwords to get almost anywhere on the internet, but the familiarity of this practice may result in complacency. After a while, a password may seem unimportant or even burdensome. Instead of trying to remember countless complicated passwords, you might feel overly comfortable in resorting to simpler passwords that are easily breakable with even the smallest effort.

How To Strengthen Your Passwords

A secure password requires at least 14 characters and should include both upper and lower case letters, capitals, numbers, and symbols.

If your password consists of readily available public knowledge like your birthdate, street address, or your dog’s name, chances are it’s not very strong. Likewise, predictable sequences of numbers or letters, like 123456789 or abcdefg, are risky.

Should You Protect Yourself From Viruses?

You wouldn’t cross the street without looking both ways. Installing antivirus software is the virtual equivalent of double-checking on a busy street. Protect your computer’s health and safety with antivirus software that prevents attacks from malicious programs that can infect your computer and the computers of others.

The Antivirus Safety Net

Every time you access the internet, you risk infection from a vast array of malware, including trojan horses, worms, and spyware, to name just a few. Luckily, antivirus software has a firewall that can detect these intruders, while a recovery tool helps eliminate these malicious programs from your computer.

Both a firewall and a VPN can prevent unauthorized web access to your computer systems. McAfeeActivate offers both antivirus software that removes malware, spyware, and adware through scheduled scans and protects your computer in real-time with its VPN, Safe Connect.

Should You Update Your Software?

You’re likely already familiar with many of the best privacy practices. These include using secure passwords, rejecting unknown emails, ignoring suspicious-looking links, and never distributing your personal information. When you pair these practices with free updates to your security software, you’re in an excellent position to preserve your privacy on the web.

Software updates can rectify security issues, replace outdated features, enhance compatibility with your apps, and even increase running speed. These patches can protect your computer from viruses, and prevent spread to other systems.

How To Update

Ready to update? Simply click ‘yes’ when you get a popup from your software developer asking if you’d like the latest features.

Most manufacturers offer free updates, while others require a technical support contract. Each software manufacturers’ website should provide specific details to help you download their security updates.

What are Cookies? Should I remove them?

Removing cookies is really up to preference. Cookies allow a website you’ve visited to retain your information—like your email address and password—for more convenient user experience. However, tracking cookies do pose a risk to your security. By allowing cookies, you’re saying it’s okay for the information to be sent to an unknown location.

Many cookies are relatively harmless and do nothing more than use your IP address for marketing analysis. Others, however, may submit your name and address to a tracking host, allowing advertisers to target you with bullseye-like precision.

Every browser has an option that lets you delete your cookies from your computer. For example, Internet Explorer shows a gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the browser screen. You simply click on the gear, select “Internet Options” in the menu box, and then click “Delete browsing on exit.”

Connecting Securely Online

Yes, it is possible. When using an online browser, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows you to view webpages but doesn’t provide security. The lack of encryption enables third parties to easily intercept data that you may prefer to keep private. When you use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), you enjoy secure transmissions. Not all websites support this function, but it can provide more web privacy when you visit sites that do.

Steps To Protect

So how can you use this information to keep your sensitive data from becoming vulnerable? Here are the main takeaways:
• Get a VPN. Secure your home and travel networks with VPN software. It makes blocking suspicious activity easy and can protect your computer from becoming damaged.
• Use a password manager. This is a great tool for creating and storing hard-to-break passwords. You can find free password managers online, coupled with antivirus software.
• Install antivirus and firewall software that doesn’t flag false detections.
• Accept free security updates from your software manufacturer.
• Remove cookies from your browser.
• Use HTTPS for encrypted security on sites that support it.

With a little security know-how and the right tools for the job, you’ll be well-equipped to protect even your most sensitive and valuable data. Don’t live in fear of hackers and malware. Let your software manufacturer be your safety net, and browse with peace of mind!