Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ransomware With a Wicked Twist

This is not your average ransomware. Yes, Jigsaw ransomware will encrypt your files and demand a ransom in order to retrieve your files, however Jigsaw comes with a countdown timer. Once the malware is deployed, the Jigsaw clock starts ticking. During the first 24 hours, it will start deleting a few files every hour. On the second day, the ransomware will delete hundreds of files, on the third day it will delete thousands- until the ransom is paid. Additionally, if you try to tamper with the ransomware or even restart your computer, it will delete 1000 files a “punishment.”

Newer versions of the Jigsaw ransomware don’t use the image of the iconic character anymore, however it is still referred to as Jigsaw.

While ransomware is one of the more problematic threats on the Internet landscape today, there are many ways you can protect yourself from it. By being proactive in your own cyber defense, you can thwart cybercriminals in three easy steps:

  1. Perform regular backups of your computer. Be sure to unplug the backup the drive when not in use.
  2. Use an Internet security software program to prevent the ransomware from being installed on the computer in the first place. Security protects customers from this particular threat and many other ransomware threats.
  3. Ransomware and other malware can sneak in through vulnerabilities in software programs. Be sure to perform all software updates when they become available in order to close up the “holes” in your system.

Finally, do not EVER pay the ransom. There’s no guarantee that you will get your files back, and more than anything you are funding the cybercriminals operations further.

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