Friday, September 4, 2020

On Drovorub: Linux Kernel Security Best Practices

In a U.S. government cybersecurity advisory released today, the National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation warn of a previously undisclosed piece of Linux rootkit malware called Drovorub and attribute the threat to malicious actor APT28. The report is incredibly detailed and proposes several complementary detection techniques to effectively identify Drovorub malware activity. A multitude of investigative methods is suggested given that the common issue with rootkits is that large scale detection on a host can be a real challenge. The NSA and FBI have been explicit in their report that systems with a kernel version of 3.7 or lower are most susceptible to Drovorub malware due to the absence of adequate kernel signing enforcement.

Keeping a system updated and fully protected isn’t specific to Windows-based environments. Linux based systems are widespread within many enterprise organizations, requiring the same maintenance as any modern operating system. Linux offers a robust, secure computing platform that can meet many needs. As in most cases, proper configuration is key to the security of the platform.

For specific technology protections against Drovorub please visit the dedicated Drovorub KB article here.

In addition to the guidance provided in the  U.S. government report and our product-specific knowledge base article, encourages organizations to take note of and apply the following best practices (where possible) for rootkit detection and kernel security.

Scanning for Rootkits

Just like a malware scanner, a rootkit scanner can scan low-level processes to determine if any malicious code is loaded at bootup. For example, below are examples of software that can be used for general rootkit detection:

  • Chrootkit – A rootkit scanner for Linux to discover hard to find rootkits
  • Rkhunter – A rootkit scanner for Linux to discover backdoors and possible local exploits.

In this specific Drovorub case, the advice is given to forensically analyze a machine’s memory with tools like Volatility. Using the Volatility plugin “Linux_Psxview” presence of the Drovorub client can be detected even though it doesn’t show up in the normal list.

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